For some perverse reason I wanted to try and paint my sister-in-law's dog, Carmel with a single worn out bristle brush. I was mostly successful, with the exception of a small sable brush for the detail in the eyes. I kinda scrubbed in the oriental rug rather than get too fussy with it. There is some fun greens and blues in her fur. According to my niece's facebook page, Carmel, whom she lists as a sibling, is spelled "Carmel" although I think she was named for the candy (caramel) How does one pronounce caramel anyway? Is it like that town in California or does it have three syllables as in Car-a-mel? This burning question (even more than TP - over or under?) has plagued me for years.
You caught that faithful old expression only dogs can give. ...in my house, I'm thankful the TP gets put on the holder by someone other than myself - if not for me it would sit on the counter for infinity and over or under wouldn't be an issue. (Oh, & I prefer over)
Thanks, Margaret. I'm an over man myself. The cats find it much easier to play with that way, too. As if the end just dangling there wasn't inspiration enough for a little cat mischief, an air vent directly under the holder in my bathroom waves the tissue in a most tantalizing way the kids can't resist. Way to go, Steve (builder).
glad you're "back in the saddle"
TP is definitely OVER!
Caramel, or Carmel...depends on who you are talking to. LOL!
Ha, this was fun one to read! At first I read the "dog" was a single bristle brush, and pondered how that was an interesting way to describe a dog, I then re-read it and felt like a true Blonde! One brush? Dude, you ARE good!
Thanks, Brenda {;-)>
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