February 7, 2008
"Gâteau au fromage avec le fruit glacé"
Oil on panel 6" x 6"
When I choose to paint this piece, I thought it would be a walk in the park. Little did I realize that the myriad of hues in all that fruit would translate to way more time than I would have imagined analyzing and mixing colors? I wanted it to be free and glistening and that it is. The cheesecake is held in place with a clear collar which reflected nicely the gold fluted plate. When I am finished with this Paris series, you will be well on your way to learning the French language. Pay attention – there will be a quiz. Répetez après moi - fermez la fenêtre.

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Those luscious pieces of fruit look too good to eat... I can't imagine that this dessert could have tasted as good as you have painted it!
Hey Mark! Welcome back from Paris (I said that with a French accent - did you hear it?)
One (and only one) of the things I love about your art is how brilliant and full of LIFE it is! Okay - maybe the dead chickens aren't full of life, but I think you know what I mean. The vibrancy of the colors, the variety of the subject matter, and the wonderful sense of humor that shows up in the painting and the comments - well, what more can I say... I am just a big fan is all!
A bientot!
I just have to say, you really know how to play with your food! And paint it too.
Thanks, girls! You are the reason I do this. God knows it isn't for the money. Getting feedback like this is like a drug, I can't get enough. More than red dots, I love knowing that other artists are looking at and appreciating my creative efforts.
...and Sherry - I love the trompe l'oeil play of comics and objects. They are clever and wonderful.
February 8, 2008 6:01 AM
Hi Mark. I'm delighted to discover your work and so glad to see you on DailyPainters. This is a luscious painting!
I agree that getting the feedback from others, especially artists, is indeed rewarding. After working in solitude for hours or weeks on a painting, it's nice to know someone out there notices and appreciates what went into it.
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