For those of you following this blog, you might think that I have fallen into another artist malaise, and you would be right. Perhaps not as severe as in the past, but a ripple in the force none the less. We all know by now that the only way through is to push ahead, experiment with new things or play with old familiar, tried and true things to reacquaint yourself with the Muse. Glass has always been an amusing challenge to paint and since I have recently had the honor of having a drink named after me at my favorite restaurant - The Dogwood, I thought it might be a good place to start. Master mixologist Mike, the bartender at the Dogwood serves up a killer dirty martini with a twist (no pun intended). They start with organic vodka and infuse it with Serrano chilies. Shaken, not stirred (of course) with olive juice and garnished with pickled okra and olives, it is a thing of beauty and quite tasty if I do say so and I do, as I am having one at this very moment. Sláinte

How cool is that!!! What an honor. I was first drawn by this awesome painting but was a little surprised to read that a great artist such as yourself goes through the same types of feelings as many of new artists do. I'm sorry you're in a valley but I'm sure you'll be climbing uphill again. I love the amazing cherrywood texture of the bar and the exquisite rendering of the glass of this painting Mark!
Thanks, Sheila. I needed that. It's funny how some days you look at the world around you and everything is a possible work of art and other days it seems like it's all been done before. Fear not! I'll figure it out. I always do.
"Artist Malaise" would be a good name for a rock band.
I think I've fallen in there too.
And if this is what you paint when you're experiencing malaise, then you have nothing to worry about. This is absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks, Diana. Sorry to hear you may have come down with A.M.. Get well soon! Although I haven't practiced her methods in a while, I remember Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, recommended going on an "artist date" to recharge the batteries. I may try to hit the National Gallery or the BMA this weekend to try and shake it. On second thought, The Walters Art Museum has some wonderful small French paintings that always lift my creative spirits, perhaps I'll go there.
hot and spicy.. perfection for the artist, his drink and art!
C'est moi!
The colors are so rich, especially the deep reddish-pinks, Mark!
Fantastic job on the highlights in the glass too!
Elegant and classy!
Thanks, Dean. The Dogwood illuminates it's bar with a myriad of magenta Christmas lights which gives this piece the pinkish glow.
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